We deliver to most of the countries in the world. Below you can check the respective rates and approximate delivery times.

Accessories like hats and bags may be delivered by regular post. The price will be lower but the delivery period is longer. If you would like to go for such an option, please write us at aloha@alooppa.com.

Customers outside the EU please note: Different countries apply different rules on imported goods. Be aware that local taxes and duties may be requested from you by the local authorities.

We cannot be held liable if a wrong address is given to us and/or if the post or courier has made a mistake. Contact us as soon as possible in case of a wrong address or delay in delivery. In case the order was not shipped successfully because of incorrect information, provided by the ordering person (contact number, address, etc.) or if the customer does not accept the shipment, the shipping is still at the expense of the customer. We will keep the sum for the shipping expenses (the cost of returning the product as well) from the total order sum.

Do not hesitate to contact us at aloha@alooppa.com if you have a question regarding your delivery.

You can find detailed information following this link: Delivery estimation